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Rongomatane Ariki Investiture: Atiu 1956

On 9 August 1956, in an interesting blend of traditional Polynesian ritual and Christian ceremony, Tetupu Mataio was proclaimed the new Rongomatane Ariki on Atiu.

 In doing so, Tetupu succeeded his uncle, Rongomatane Maka Kea Ariki.

Tetupu was highly regarded as a leader and as a man and had held the Rongomatane Ariki Title since 1930. He died at the Rarotonga Hospital on 15 February 1956.

A detailed account of this ceremonial investiture has come from Vaine Rere, the headmaster of Atiu School and appeared in the “Journal of the Polynesian Society”, Vol. 66, 1957 as written by G.F. Russell.

To view this article go to :  Rongomatane Ariki 1956

Cook Islands "House of Ariki" 2010. Present day "Rongomatane Ada Ariki" is seated first left in the front row.
Cook Islands “House of Ariki” 2010.
Present day “Rongomatane Ada Ariki” is seated first left in the front row.