www.culture.gov.ck | (062) 20725 | culture@cookislands.gov.ck

Tiare Festival Comes to Life in Rarotonga

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The beautiful weather in the Cook Islands is complimented by its blooming flowers this season, adding to the stunning landscape of Rarotonga and enriching its flora and fauna. In recognising the blossom, abundance and beauty of our local tiare fragrance throughout the season, the Ministry of Cultural Development is staging the annual Mire Tiare event as an opportunity for the people of the Cook Islands to celebrate its tiare culture. The Mire Tiare event is a part of the 50th Celebrations and highlighting the development of our people and culture.

Anthony Turua, Secretary of the Ministry of Cultural Development commented ‘it gives us great pleasure to stage and introduce the Mire Tiare event for 2015, which is led by the Ministry of Cultural Development and supported by the Cook Islands Tourism Corporation’.

The Mire Tiare will excite our local community as a lead up to the Christmas and New Year celebrations. The event will be celebrated through flower decoration to business, government and school premises, local floral pot plants by the mamas and individual ‘ei’ sewing by the students. The art of designing ‘eis’ will be displayed during the Mire Tiare Event and the Ministry of Culture Development is working with the community to gain interest in this core cultural activity.

Another exciting partnership is integrating the Mire Tiare event into the Vaka Eiva opening on 20thNovember 2015. This will be the first time the events are being weaved together to create better visibility to both visitors and locals alike.

The Ministry of Cultural Development is very excited to run the Mire Tiare Event and will see this as a platform to build stronger cultural events in the future.

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