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Celebrating International Archives Day at the National Archives of the Cook Islands Office

Friday 9th June 2017

Cook Islands National Archives in Tupapa

Theme:  “Archives, Citizenship and Interculturalism”

We are going to make a tourist tour in our National Archives Office at the Ministry of Cultural Development, showcasing part of our Cook Islands History through sharing information

  • Cook Islands Parliament Minute Book 1897-1901
  • Rarotonga Council Minutes 1917-1941
  • Cook Islands Soldiers World War 1
  • Cook Islands published Newspapers
  • Cook Islands Self Governance 1965
  • Prime Ministers of the Cook Islands
  • Johnsons Studio Photo Collections (2016 sponsored by BSP & Mike Rennie Builders)
  • Pictures of Tourist and customers visiting our National Archives office
  • Tuanaki the lost Island.
  • Te Hono ki Rarotonga – Rarotonga Chief visit in 1934 to Pakirikiri Marae, Tokomaru Bay NZ.
  • Heather John Photo Collection – Rarotonga in the 1925-1927
  • Researching with National Archives
  • Many more stories to share

We have given away movie tickets for our students on this special day right throughout the month of June, proudly sponsored by Napa Napa of the Empire Theatre.  We encourage our children to use our National Archives for research purposes.  Please contact Paula Paniani for more information. (paula.paniani@cookislands.gov.ck)