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53rd Constitution Day Ceremony Program
National Auditorium

Monday 6th August 2018

Dress – Island Pareu Wear

M.C.                Mr. Papatua Papatua

9:30am           For All invited guests and general public to be seated.

Band Entertainment by Jarome Pare and company.

9:55am           Uniform Organisations to form a guard of honour to the Auditorium main doors.


10:05am          Arrival of the Representative(s) of the Religious Advisory Council (RAC) – met and welcomed.

10:10am          Arrival of the Kaumaiti (President of the House of Ariki), Tou Travel Ariki & Mrs Tou – Turou/Traditional Welcome by the Mitiaro Island TMN18 team.

10:15am          Arrival of the Leader of the Opposition Hon. William Heather and Mrs Heather. – met and welcomed.

10:20am          Arrival of the Prime Minister, Hon. Henry Puna and Mrs Puna.

Turou/Traditional Welcome by the Manihiki Island TMN18 team.

Arriving at their seats, All Rise for the Cook Islands National Anthem led by the Manihiki Island TMN18 team.

10:25am          Arrival of the Queen’s Representative, His Excellency H.E. Tom Marsters and Mrs Marsters. – Turou/Traditional Welcome by the Pamati Island TMN18 team. Arriving at their seats, All Rise for the Queen’s Anthem led by the Pamati Island TMN18 team and the Takamoa Theological College students.

10:30am          PROCEEDINGS:

  • Opening Prayer Service by the Religious Advisory Council, with the Imene Tuki by the Tongareva Island TMN18 team.

M.C.                Welcomes the Minister of Cultural Development to the Podium.

  • WELCOME SPEECH by the Minister of Cultural Development,Hon. George Angene.
  • DRUM DANCE by the Tupapa Maraerenga TMN18 team.
  • FLAG RAISING CEREMONY conducted by the Boys Brigade.
  • DRUM DANCE by the Manihiki Island TMN18 team.

M.C.                Welcomes the Prime Minister of the Cook Islands to the Podium.

  • CONSTITUTION DAY ADDRESS by the Prime Minister, Hon. Henry Puna.

DRUM DANCE by the Rakahanga Island TMN18 team.

  • FLAG LOWERING CEREMONY by the Boys Brigade.
  • DRUM DANCE by the Atiu TMN18 team.
  • Closing Prayer by the Representative from the Religious Advisory Council
  • Departure from the Auditorium
    • Starting with the VIP Guests led by His Excellency Tom Marsters and Mrs Marsters to be followed by the Public.

To be followed by the Awards Presentation and the Official Closing of the 2018 Te Maeva                                    

                                                 2018 Te Maeva Nui