www.culture.gov.ck | (062) 20725 | culture@cookislands.gov.ck

Act, Regulations and Legislation

The National Archives is affiliated with the Public Records Act 1984, Official Information Act, Copyright Act 2013, Ministry of Cultural Development Act 1990, Te Reo Maori Act 2003 and Traditional Knowledge Act 2013.
The National archives was established for the better preservation of public records of the Cook Islands which were transferred

from government departments or acquired by the Archivist. All public records 15 years or older were transferred to the Archives after consultation by the Archivist with the relevant Heads of Departments or Minister. Under the existing Act the Archivist, after consultation with the Heads of Departments or Minister, could authorize the routine destruction of public records which are 15 years or older.
• Public Records Act 1984
• Official Information Act 2008
• Copyright Act 2013
• Ministry of Cultural Development Act 1990
• Te Reo Maori Act 2003
• Traditional Knowledge Act 2013