www.culture.gov.ck | (062) 20725 | culture@cookislands.gov.ck

Rongomatane Ariki Investiture: Atiu 1956

atiu island

On 9 August 1956, in an interesting blend of traditional Polynesian ritual and Christian ceremony, Tetupu Mataio was proclaimed the new Rongomatane Ariki on Atiu.  In doing so, Tetupu succeeded his uncle, Rongomatane Maka Kea Ariki. Tetupu was highly regarded as a leader and as a man and had held the Rongomatane Ariki Title since […]

Rakei – Traditional Wearable Art Exhibition: 13 January to 12 February 2016

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Rakei –Traditional Wearable Art Exhibition showcases the exceptional traditional costumes which featured in the 2015 Miss Cook Island Pageant, the local designers and their teams.   Some of the traditional costumes are on display supported by photographs of all the costumes, profiles of designers along with concept and construction details. [/vc_column_text][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”304,305,307,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Extinct and Extirpated Birds from Aitutaki and Atiu

Six archaeological sites up to 1000 years old on Aitutaki have yielded bones of 15 species of birds. Five of which are now considered to be extinct. Included here is an article written by David W. Steadman who was part of the 1987 New York State Biological Survey Team which visited Aitutaki and Atiu to […]

“Nuku Exhibition” at the National Museum – Runanga Pakau

The National Museum-Runanga Pakau continues with their “Nuku Exhibition” until Friday 30th October 2015.  The exhibition is currently open to the public from Monday to Friday (8.00am to 4.00pm). Attached are the main information documents that are being exhibited.  The first is a summary of the organisation of the Nuku format, the second is a […]

Blackbirders from Peru

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] During the 1860’s more than 725 Cook Islanders, mostly from the Northern Group, were duped to board ships from Peru with bogus contracts to go and work in South America. Once on board they found themselves as captured slaves and so began a life of absolute misery for many who were forced to work […]

Exhibition Opening : “Secluded Splendour” – Friday 19th 5pm at National Museum

Exhibiting her work for the first time, Fe’ena Syme-Buchanan will be showing a visual insight of depopulation on Mangaia. Through photography, she has documented the effects of depopulation on the island, created a literal installation representation of a typical Mangaian afternoon, and captured footage to produce a short intimate video. The work Fe’ena produced was […]

800 year old pearl-shell fish hooks at the National Museum

The National Heritage Collection at the Cooks Island National Museum. To increase public awareness of the unique artifacts of the National Heritage Collection displayed in the National Museum, the following article features another of the National Museum’s oldest and most reveling objects on exhibition. A collection of eight 800 year old pearl-shell fish hooks recovered […]



Header Image source: https://www.tepapa.govt.nz/learn/for-educators/teaching-resources/cook-islands-language-week-resource Tivaivai are valuable in ritual exchanges which mark family ‘life’ events, and other gifting events which draw people together through family and social networks.  Tivaivai mark and recall these events through their patterns and convey ideas about place, culture and history.  Tivaivai are steeped with social and cultural importance. Part of […]

Tivaivai innovator calls it a day

Thursday September 21, 2017 Written by Chris Taylor source link: http://www.cookislandsnews.com/national/local/item/65965-tivaivai-innovator-calls-it-a-day Even after 40 years of sewing, Maria Keri Edgar (nee Herman), 79, has been coming up with innovative new ideas for her tivaivai. And, now that she is even receiving international attention, she is retiring at the peak of her artistic career. She has […]

TAUNGA TIVAIVAI EXHIBITION – The works of six Tivaivai Artists


5 September – 26 October 2016 The Cook Islands National Museum – Runanga Pakau, Tupapa, Avarua, Cook Islands The Taunga Tivaivai Exhibition showcases the Tivaivai works of six Tivaivai artists whose works have developed and changed over the last 50 years.  The six artists exhibiting are Tapumanoanoa Andrew, Maria Edgar nee Herman, Tekura Tereora, Mata […]